CC-4142, nicknamed 'Lock,' was a clone trooper captain serving under Jedi Master Eeth Koth in Horn Company during the Clone Wars. In 21 BBY, Koth's Venator-class Star Destroyer, the Steadfast—with. In The Clone Wars, he is the Clone Commander mostly seen with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Cody was with Obi-Wan at the liberation of Ryloth, at Point Rain, tracking Grievous on Saleucami, and transporting Duchess Satine on the Coronet. He was also with Captain Rex at the Rishi moon and at the defense of Kamino.
Star Wars Commander Lock
The 442nd Siege Battalion was a unit of within the. They, as their name implies, were skilled in besieging enemy fortifications.For some reason, their armor was identical to the armor of the clone troopers. This may have indicated that they were a part of the 7th Sky Corps.During the, they were sent to aid in the capture of, a key stronghold.Behind the scenesIt is possible that this unit takes its designation from the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, a highly-decorated unit of U.S. Army Rangers consisting mostly of Nisei volunteers. These Japanese-American soldiers earned many honors fighting in brutal close-quarters and mountain combat in Italy during WWII.